This is a page dedicated to those heroes who have developed the fantastic free software to enable imagers like myself to carry out high resolution video imaging of the planets, and who are continuing to extend the capabilities of their software.
These guys have given enormous amounts of their free time, without financial reward, to develop their products and their efforts should be warmly applauded. Hats off to them all.
In alphabetical order they are;
Cor Berrevoets- Author of Registax
Cor lives in the Netherlands, producing RegiStax with a group of volunteers around the world since 2001.
Registax is the powerful and immensely popular program for sorting, aligning, stacking and image processing videos. Home page is at;
Torsten Edelmann- Author of Firecapture

Torsten lives in Landsberg/Lech (Bavaria/Germany) and works as Senior Consultant for a software company located in Munich. He is married and a father of three. His hobbies (the small rest beside FireCapture 🙂 ) are sport (racing bike & jogging) and mountain climbing in the Alps.
Firecapture is the video camera interface software which has lots of great functionality built-in and which is constantly being improved and added to. The Firecapture home page is at; and there is a IO Groups support page here
Chris Garry- Author of Pipp

Chris is a freelance ASIC design engineer living on the north side of Cambridge in the UK. He is a keen planetary imager with his C14 SCT and is the author of PIPP.
PIPP (Planetary Image Pre-Processor) is a very useful program for accomplishing all sorts of astro video-related tasks prior to stacking and image processing. PIPP has been called the Swiss Army Knife of video processing! Chris is also the author of the very useful SERPlayer software allowing your to review and edit video data stored in the popular SER image file format. See PIPP and SERPlayer at
Grischa Hahn- Author of Winjupos

Grischa lives in Dresden/Germany. Formerly (1986) “old school” observer, now he sleeps at night. Three children. Rock climber. Software developer
Winjupos is an immensely powerful program including a hugely detailed planetary ephemeris, planetary mapping and globe computation functions, image analysis, as well as a very useful derotation feature for planetary videos. See more at;
Emil Kraaikamp- Author of AutoStakkert!

Until a couple of months ago I lived my entire life in the Netherlands, but recently I moved to Brussels to work at the Royal Observatory of Belgium as a research assistant in the solar physics department. I don’t have much time to do imaging, but occasionally I still travel back to the Netherlands to make planetary images with my 10″ Newton telescope, or preferably, the 16″ Dobson of a good friend of mine.
AutoStakkert! is the new, fast, sorting, aligning and stacking software which can be found at