Webb Society Deep Sky Observer
- ‘Memories from the 1995 Texas Star Party’, Issue 7, Oct. 1995, p32
- ‘Observing at the Parador de las Canadas, Teneriffe’, Issue 124, Spring 2001, p2
BAA Journal
- ‘The building of Fossil Light – a 46cm lightweight Dobsonian Reflector’, BAA Journal Vol 109, No. 5, Oct. 1999, p247
- Investigating the Mars edge-rind artefact’, BAA Journal Vol 130, No. 5, Oct 2020, p273
- Book review of ‘Planetary Astronomy’ by Chistophe Pellier (Ed), BAA Journal Vol 131, No. 4, Aug 2021, p254
- ‘Imaging the Venus night side at 1000nm’, BAA Venus and Mercury section newsletter Messenger No. 4 June 2020
- ‘Atmospheric dispersion, Part 1: Problem & Solution’, BAA Journal Vol 131, No. 5, Oct 2021, E&T section, p276
- ‘Atmospheric dispersion, Part II: Orientation & adjustment’, BAA Journal Vol 131, No. 6, Dec 2021, E&T section, p348
- Equatorial Platforms Pt. 1, BAA Journal Vol. 132, No 1 Feb. 2022, E&T section, p21
- Equatorial Platforms Pt. 2, BAA Journal Vol. 132, No. 2, April 2022, E&T section, p85
- Equatorial Platforms Pt. 3, BAA Journal Vol. 132, No. 3, June 2022, E&T section, p151
Sky and Telescope
- ‘Improving Dobsonian Motion’, Oct. 1999, p129
- ‘Better Dobsonian Bearings’, Oct. 2003, p123
BBC Sky at Night Magazine- General
- ‘Chasing the ISS’, Dec, 2011, p67
- ‘Atmospheric Dispersion Correctors Explained’, Nov. 2012, p62
- ‘Dealing with Dew’, Feb. 2014, p41
- ‘Mars at Opposition’, April 2014, p41
- The Guide- Collimating a Newtonian Telescope, July, 2014, p78
- ‘Maximise your Deep Sky Observing’, Feb. 2015, p36
- How To – Thermally Optimise your Telescope, Feb. 2015, p81
- How To – Build an All-Sky Camera, June 2015, p84
- How To – Use a Video Camera for Star Tests, Oct. 2015, p81-82.pdf
- ‘Capturing the Planets the Dobsonian Way’, Dec. 2015, p77
- Image Procesing- Derotate Imagers using Winjupos Part I, Apr. 2016, p85
- Image Procesing- Derotate Imagers using Winjupos Part II, May 2016, p87
- ‘Reducing Noise in Planetary imaging’, Dec 2016, p67
- Introduction to PIPP (Planetary Imaging PreProcessor) Pt. 1, Aug. 2017, p84
- Introduction to PIPP (Planetary Imaging PreProcessor) Pt. 2, Oct. 2017, p84
- Introduction to PIPP (Planetary Imaging PreProcessor) Pt. 3, Jan. 2018, p83
- ‘Imaging the Ice Giants’, Sept. 2018, p66
- Astrophotography Processing – IAPY2018 ‘Grace of Venus’, Sept. 2019, p78
- Astrophotography Processing – IAPY Masterclass – Removing Twilight Effects, Dec. 2019, p78
- Astrophotography Processing – IAPY2019 ‘Black Saturn’, May 2020, p80
- How To – Collimate a Newtonian, Oct. 2020, p74
- Astrophotography Processing – APY Masterclass – Tease details from the ice giants, May 2021, p78
- Astrophotography Processing – APY Masterclass – Shadow profile of Plato’s east rim, March 2023, p78
- Astrophotography Processing – Create your best image of Saturn, August 2023, p78
- Astrophotography Processing – Imaging the night side of Venus, Jan. 2024, p78
BBC Sky at Night Magazine- Equipment/Book Reviews
- Orion StarShoot AllSky Camera II, Feb. 2013, p106
- Orion SkyQuest XX16g Dobsonian, June, 2013, p94
- Celestron NexImage 5 Solar System Imager, Sept. 2013, p98
- Revelation 16-inch f4.5 M-CRF Dobsonian, Oct. 2013, p90
- Celestron Skyris 445C Colour Imaging Camera, March, 2014, p94
- Celestron NexImage Burst colour camera, March 2015, p98
- Celestron Skyris 132M Monochrome Solar System Imager, June 2015, p98
- ZWO ASI034MC colour USB2.0 camera, Sept. 2015, p98
- Review of The Astrophotography Manual by Chris Woodhouse, Nov. 2015, p103
- SkyVision 24″ Dobsonian T600, Dec. 2015, p90
- Altair GP Cam., March. 2016, p94
- Celestron Skyris 236C Solar system Camera, Sept. 2016, p94
- Meade LPI-G Planetary Imaging Camera, July 2017, p98
- Explore Scientific Ultra Light 16″ Dobsonian GenII, July 2018, p90
- Omegon Pro Dob N203/1200 Dobsonian, Sept. 2018, p89
- Revelation Colour Filter Set – online review
- Astronomik 2″ OIII Filter – online review
- Altair Self Centering Smartphone Telescope Adaptor – online review
Society of Popular Astronomy
- ‘How to improve your planetary imaging with an atmospheric dispersion corrector’, SPA Popular Astronomy Nov. 2018
- ‘How to make maps with Winjupos’, SPA Popular Astronomy Sept 2021 p14
- Book Review of ‘The Red Planet – A Natural History of Mars’ by Simon Morden, SPA Popular Astronomy Sept 2021 p42
- Review of ZWO ADC on Astronomy Connect
Downloadable Articles
Video of BAA March 2022 meeting – My Venus night-side talk starts 58mins in