Useful Sites
Cal Sky The website for ISS and other sky predictions predictions
Astronomiser For DMK mods and other imaging mods and parts
DMK Forum Yahoo Discussion group on Imaging Source cameras
PIPP Chris Garry’s very useful Planetary Imaging Pre-processing Program- the Swiss Army Knife of the astronomical digital video imaging world!
ClarkVision Roger Clarks excellent site with lots of useful practical theory on the eye, observing and imaging
Astronomy-Friends’ Websites
Dale Holt Avid observer, sketcher of the heavens and communicator
Faith Jordan Very keen sketcher of deep sky objects and astro blogger
David Arditti Prolific astro-imager also from West of London AS
Max Alexander Fellow WOLAS member and professional photographer
Robin Scagell Chairman of WOLAS, astro journalist and writer
Skymania Paul Sutherland’s Astronomy and Space News and Blog
Damian Peach Probably the finest planetary imager in the world- amazing images
Alan Friedman Beautiful website with beautiful images
Szabolcs Nagy Amazing images of the ISS and othe spacecraft
Astronomical Societies
WOLAS West of London Astronomical Society
SPA Society Of Popular Astronomy
BAA British Astronomical Society
Other Interesting Sites
Cloud Appreciation Society For lovers of the sky and clouds
Unisys What’s happening with the jetstream and the upper atmosphere
Tatjana van Vark Female Dutch engineering genius
UK Astro Buy and Sell Lots of Astro things to buy and a great place to sell stuff
AstroClassified New Astro buy and sell listing with a useful category-based format