Lunar and Solar – Digital Video Images Shadow Profile of Plato's East Rim, 20th April 2021, 444mm Dob. with ASI174MM at f28 with Astronomik 642nm filter Sunrise at the Sea of Clouds, 20th April 2021, 444mm Dob. with ASI174MM at f28 with Astronomik 642nm filter Scott Amunsden and the South Polar Region. 14th May 2019, 444mm Dob and ASI174MM at f28 with Baader 685nm filter Plato & the Montes Alpes region, 14th May 2019, 444mm Dob and ASI174MM at f28 with Baader 685nm filter Copernicus, 14th May 2019, 444mm Dob and ASI174MM at f28 with Baader 685nm filter Lunar Dichotomy 4th Nov. 2019, 222mm Dob. and ASI174MC (colour) at f5.8. Mosaic Copernicus 21st Dec. 2015, 222mm Dob. & Altair GP Cam (colour) at f13 Plato & Alpine Valley 21st Dec. 2015, 222mm Dob. & Altair GP Cam camera Tycho region 21st Dec. 2015, 222mm Dob. & Altair GP-Cam colour at f5.9 Mare Imbrium 26th May 2015, 222mm Dob. & ASI034MC camera Mare Humorum region 3rd March 2015, 222mm Dob. Celestron Skyris 132M mono camera Mare Crisium 7th Dec. 2014, 222mm Dob. & Celestron NexImage Burst camera Sun 6thn Dec. 2014, 222mm Dob at f12 with Celestron NexImage Burst Very large sunspot 25th Oct. 2014. DSLR image Sun 28th Dec. 2013, 222mm Dob. & Skyris 445C colour camera S.Polar region 9th Dec 2013, 222mm Dob & Celestron Skyris 445C camera Julius Caesar region 9th Dec. 2013, 222mm Dob. and Skyris 445C colour camera